Dance Plattsburgh's Second Saturday Monthly Dances

New Dance Lesson Format  -  New Location  -  New Time

Now in the City of Plattsburgh's Recreation Center Gymnasium
at 52 U.S. Oval on these "Second Saturdays"

April 14, 2018
May 12, 2018
June 9, 2018
July 14, 2018
August 11, 2018
September 8, 2018
October 13, 2018

This is the gymnasium in the Recreation Center that occupies the
former military recreation facility on the historic US Oval "Old Base".

NEW Start Time and Lesson Times:

6:00 pm - Doors open to the public
6:30 pm - Intermediate Dance Lesson
7:00 pm - Beginner Dance Lesson
8:00 pm - Social Dancing until 10:00 pm

NEW Dance Lesson Format: NEW Intermediate Dance Lessons at 6:30, followed by Beginner Dance Lessons at 7. Each month, the intermediate lesson will continue the previous month's beginner lesson. Take a beginner lesson this month, practice at our FREE  Every Monday Weekly Dances, and take your dancing to a new level with an intermediate lesson the next month.

If you come for dance lessons, please be checked in and on the floor when the lessons start.

No dance experience is necessary, we'll help you get started.

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No dance partner is necessary, as there are single dancers of all ages and abilities available for partnering. Singles "rotate partners", so they meet and dance with many new people. Dancing is a great way to meet and get to know new people in a safe, fun and healthy environment

$ 8  for USA Dance members and students*
$10 General admission charge

Admission charge includes dance lessons, social dancing and light refreshments.
*High school and college students with valid student ID. Children accompanied by an adult will be charged the $8 student rate.
All attendees must pay admission.

Dance Plattsburgh social dances are drug free, alcohol free, smoke free.
Attendees agree to behave respectfully and in accordance with social dance etiquette.
Attendees under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Join us for beginner dance lessons and social dancing with dancers of all ages and abilities. Dance on this expansive wooden athletic floor in Plattsburgh's historic Recreation Center Gymnasium.  Enjoy a night on the town in a relaxed, informal North Country atmosphere. Socialize, learn to dance, dance and have fun!

Attire is "dressy casual". Clean, dry shoes are required at dances. Dirty, wet or salty shoes are not allowed on dance floors. In inclement weather, please bring clean, dry shoes to change into, or wear socks you can dance in.


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USA Dance

Dance Plattsburgh is USA Dance Inc., Dance Plattsburgh NY Chapter #3068. We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization providing dance education and opportunities in local communities by organizing affordable social dances, dance lessons and workshops.

Please thank our sponsors who help make our events possible: